Monday, January 28, 2008

Hello everyone. My name is Vilma and I am an aspiring high school English teacher. Graduation is coming closer and teaching is more a reality now than ever. I am definately scared of what I am gonna face once i actually get out there. I used to be confident in my teaching abilities....but that was before i realized how hard it is actually going to be. Last semester i finally got around to doing lesson plans and all the work that went into it was mind blowing. Its just amazing how much there is for a teacher to do and all that is required of them. Now I'm beginning to think that i may be getting more than i bargained for. I hope that I'm not the only one that's having second thoughts. It's just that when your young...and short... the thought of tall overly hormonal high school students can be quite intimidating. I guess now the shoe is on the other foot. Its time for me to be the teacher and for others to be my students. I guess my fear is really that I'm not going to be good at it...that I'm going to let my students down. I mean what if they don't learn anything, or worse learn all the wrong things from me?!? I just need to get over it.
As far as technology use in my classroom...that's yet to be seen. I am what i call computer stupid...not illiterate...just stupid. So once i get around to learning how to maneuver this damn contraption then I'll get around to using it in my class room. Well in the meantime I'll be thinking positive thoughts, see you!


Ryan said...

I see teaching (and pretty much everything else) as something like a pool you haven't been in yet. Just jump in whole heartedly and persevere until you become used to it. After that everything is easy. Confidence is never really lost, just misplaced. Just do your best and make the kids interested. If they end up being let down it is their own fault, as long as you do your best anyway. As you yourself say stay positive and everything will work out.

You might want to take a class or something to learn how to use a computer. Though English does not take a heck of a lot of technology to teach. Just a book and a pen and paper. I can't really imagine what now can be used beyond that. Good luck with your stuff in the future and just do your best.

ThePepeLucho said...

I like that analogy (a pool taking getting used to). It is very relevant. It seems that no matter how cold the pool is, there is always one kid that will jump in first and just sit there. I am certainly not usually that kid. I need to see a couple kids in there before I am satisfied that it is not so bad. Still, even after taking the plunge, I am unsure if I am in the right pool. My main hesitation is involved with the fact that this is one of the first PERMANENT decisions that I am making in my life. I am single, I am renting instead of buying; I haven’t had to make any decision that will be life long or altering. Getting a credential and teaching will change all of that, it is a complicated decision. However, it is not nearly as scary as imagining never jumping in at all.

Roshni said...

Vilma, I share your sentiments. I too have had second thoughts about teaching. It is definetly going to be scary and I totally know what you mean about being young and short. I mean, how are we supposed to command a classroom when we are not that much older than these kids? There is a lot to do but my dad said once you get into your rhythm you wont even think twice about it. I guess we are just going to have to test drive a lot of theories and see which ones work best. I don't think anyone goes into the classroom for the first time knowing what they are going to to. There is only so much you can learn before having to learn on the spot and find your own groove.

Cindy G. said...

Hey dont be scared, i will be there to help (right....!!!)

I guess we share the same emotions because i consider myself as not being the typical English nerd!! I guess we just have to think possitive, and maybe, just maybe, it will come to us! Technology is a hassle, i will just get a student who is smart enough to help me, and i will just give him extra credit!

I am very excited to know that we are FINALLY graduating. After four long years, we will get to pay back all the hours we spent writing essays. Dont worry height has nothing to do. You just need to have the guts to stand up infront of 25 students, and be the boss!

normaaceves said...


Hey! Its nice to see you in class again. I am glad I read your post. I used to feel the same way as you. Last semester I felt really scared of my performance in the classroom. Doing all those lesson plans, I know how you feel. Also I feel the weight of the responsibility we have now. I think, however that all we can do is try our best. If something goes wrong, ultimately we will learn from our mistakes. After this, it is going to be a trial and error process until we get things right.

I also think, that after we go through the process, the lesson plans are going to be something like second nature to us because we have done it so much.

I think that our passion though, for teaching, is going to help us a lot. In the end, if we feel this is not the right thing for us, the beauty of it is that we can change.

I look forward to seeing you in class again. Talk you you later.