Sunday, May 4, 2008


I really enjoyed writing a creative fiction story. I love when i am able to express my creativity through any kind of outlet, but there is nothing like writing a short either insightful, emotional, or funny story. This particular assignment allowed me to do so and it left me with the biggest impression. I feel that an assignment like this is something that students in a high school setting would like to do. Since it allows you to make whatever you want of the story,the students would feel comfortable expressing themselves. The only problem i had with this assignment was having to pick from prompts. I like it better when i come up with an idea myself because i tend to let the story write itself. In this way i write a story that i have no idea how its going to end. When we picked the prompt we wanted to write about we knew that it had to adhere to those limitations. But regardless it was a fun assignment.

The other assignment, wrting about fiction, was not so fun. The story reading process was fun, but then having to write a paper about it and look for sources to back up my claims was a bit done and done. I understand that this is part of the academic process, but we have to do that so much that it gets boring. Creatively writing something is not allowed too much in academic learning unless you are taking a creative writing class. That being said, when reading as story and writing about it from a specific perspective, its hard to know whether or not you are reading the piece the way the author intended it. But like Foucault said, "What matter the author?" I did mi paper and did so trough a perspective that appealed to me. Whether or not that's what the author meant by their story still remains a mystery.

All in all, the creative outlet was much better. I mean, were English majors, being creative through writing is what we do!