Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Big Difference

Writing poetry is definitely a fun experience but it can get to be a lot of work. I for one have a hard time coming up with something worth writing about, and even then it kinda sucks. Writing about poetry is obviously quite different. However, i don't enjoy that any more than the latter. You see i have a problem with poetry in general. When i was younger i used to write poetry that i was actually exited about. The words would just come to me and the images that i saw in my head found a way to make themselves onto the paper. Now, knowing more about the different types of poems, similes, metaphors, assonance and all that... i feel more jaded. I feel like i have to adhere to these different techniques. I have tried to come up with something that was appealing to me but of course things get lost in translation. Writing poetry is just hard for me. Writting about poetry is a bit easier but still not pleasing. When i write about poetry i feel like i am dissecting someone wlese work and who am i to say what is write or wrong. I get that thats not necessaryli what i am suposed to do but its hard to not impose your personal bias. I mean, what if i misunderstood something that the other meant? I write something bad about it when it was my own misunderstanding. If i write about poetry i write my response to it and not the poem itself. At least thats what i think is the difference.